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Genes Chromosomes Cancer, 16, 31- 34

Ring chromosomes in parosteal osteosarcoma contain sequences from 12q13-15. A combined cytogenetic and comparative genomic hybridization study

J. Szymanska, N. Mandahl, F. Mertens, M. Tarkkanen, E. Karaharju, S. Knuutila

<p>Seven parosteal osteosarcoma (POS) samples, six of which were cytogenetically characterized, were studied by using comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). All samples showed DNA sequence copy number changes (mean, six aberrations/tumor; range, 1-13); gains were more frequent than losses. Gain of 12q13-15 sequences was found in every tumor and correlated with the presence of ring chromosomes. High-level amplification, which was detected in four tumors, was seen only in chromosome 12, with 12q13-14 as the minimal common region. By using chromosome painting, one of the rings of one case was shown to be composed entirely of chromosome 12 material. Together with previous data, our findings show that gain of 12q13-15 sequences is a characteristic feature of POS and that these sequences are contained within the ring chromosomes.</p>

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